This post was written before it’s posting, I wanted the posts for the previous submission to be in order and separate from this one, and therefore wrote this before and am posting it now
This post was originally written on: 02/06/2021
When first approaching this assignment, my initial instinct was to write about a new design tool or method for creating games. It had always appealed to me to find novel ways to design variations on existing systems, or entirely new ones to centre a game around. I spent some time researching the topic of Reactive Narrative, as it was a topic I was relatively interested in, and believed I was researching a new design method. As I researched however, I found that the studio Supergiant Games [1] had already outlined some elements of the term loosely, and there was too much information to write into a short article.
I then instead turned to a different research topic, as I took an interest in the similarities between MOBA design, something I had had some experience with in the past, and modern Roguelike games like Risk of Rain 2 [2], and Binding of Isaac [3]. This design continuum seemed to me like the shift that occurred from RTS games like StarCraft 2 [4], and MOBAs like Aeon of Strife [5] and Defence of the Ancients [6].
This similarity was in the design of individual characters as the core focus of the game, as well as objective oriented arenas and gameplay, and a stat/effect progression system that resets after every session.
In order to establish this similarity, I had to define the areas in which the games were similar, identify the original designs that led to those systems, and establish the way in which the systems contribute to the game to show that they provide a similar effect to each genre.
A primary reason that I chose this topic, other than my interest and experience with MOBA research and design, was that I had a contact in a small indie studio developing an upcoming MOBA that I could interview, both as a secondary source as a designer, but also as a tertiary source to help me identify areas of research that may be relevant to my research.
I’d rather not reveal his name in my blogposts, but his position is as Lead Designer on Omeda Studios upcoming Paragon [7] remake, Predecessor [8].
I started my research by having a free form interview with him where we just discussed the evolution of MOBA design, it’s starting points, and how that design evolved throughout the different game’s histories in the genre. From there I gained insight into some sources that I could explore and avenues for arguing my points in the article and justifying and exploring the similarities between the genres.
The sources are a mix of articles on the evolution of the MOBA genre, some personal blogs on design from employees of riot games, and valve’s DOTA team, and information on roguelike design.
The goal right now is to identify and define the elements of design that I want to explore between MOBAs and Roguelikes, identify the way that they function in their respective mediums and genres, and begin to write a draft of the Aims and Objectives and Methodology sections of my article, as well as begin constructing my bibliography.