
Understanding Gaming Experiences: 5 – Finalizing and Presentation

This post was originally written on: 23/06/2021

In writing the article, I found issues with the way in which I was presenting information, and how I wanted to convey the points I was making. At times, it seemed like I had to write too much preamble in order to make a simple point, which took up a large part of my wordcount. I decided to cut down a lot of my explaining, instead relying on referencing my simple explanations to give them context.

I found issues with finding relevant references for all of my claims, as many of them relied in part on my experience in past with MOBAs, and otherwise on the interview I had conducted with Declan Ballinger on the subject.

For this reason, I also decided that my Case Study, and discussion sections would have to be more extensive, in order to better cover the ground I needed to in order to make my case.

As such, a large part of the article came across as unfounded, and I did my best throughout the writing to justify the claims in text instead, and give more context to my points.

After completing the writing, I found that I had upwards of 3.5k words written, and began the process of simplifying my wording, and eliminating the most extraneous paragraphs to keep the writing concise and to the point.

After finishing writing my article following my guide laid out in the previous dev log, I moved onto creating the presentation to be recorded about my article.

I broke down the presentation into similar sections as my article, deciding that I would keep the slides simple, and present the majority of the information in my voiceover.

The simplicity of the slides will hopefully be supplemented by my voiceover recording, and once I finish that I will be able to submit my work.

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