
Design & Prototype Assignment 1: 1

The start of this assignment has been an interesting journey of designing under constraints. When myself and my team consisting of Hanyu Chen and Ruobing Xie met up to discuss our initial approach we quickly settled on attempting to adapt the core concepts of hidden role games to a video conferencing format, utilising the tools […]


Repurpousing Mechanics and Systems

My recent efforts to develop a more complex game concept have led to me realising how prevalent the influences that I draw from other games are in my work. They both allow me to theoretically construct the idea of the game on paper based on tried and testable practices, and supplement areas of development I […]


Welcome Post

This post is standing in the way of progress, I must edit or destroy it in order to proceed, so might as well make it good. This is my devlog for UAL work but I hope to also make posts here about things that catch my interest and get feedback on my academic and practical […]